Services and Activities

Services and Activities for Families

Services and activities for families are specifically designed for the needs of parents, siblings and other people close to an autistic person. Trait d’Union Outaouais provides families with varied and flexible services: 

  • Individuals:  Information, advice/reference and support  

  • Groups: respite services and activities 

  • Online: discussion groups, newsletter 


As a member of Trait d’Union Outaouais, you can access current programming to find out about ongoing services and activities and the procedure for registration. (Lien vers la page Programmation actuelle, anglais) 


Join us as a member of Trait d’Union Outaouais to access these services and activities.

Individual Services


  • Support and information 

A support, information and reference service for families. By phone, email or in person, this service supports parents with their concerns and questions, and provides support for everyday challenges or reference to appropriate resources.  

The lending library and the production of various tools are also available. 

* Financial support may be provided when funds are available.  


  • Support for hiring self-employed workers 

Trait d’Union Outaouais provides support for parents who want to hire self-employed workers for respite, care or accompaniment services for their autistic child, teen or adult. An information and tool package is available for parents to help them identify their needs, as well as a list of resources for recruitment, and advice for preparation. Occasionally, Trait d’Union Outaouais organizes sharing and information sessions where parents can share their experiences and concerns, and find out about recruitment options in the area. 

Our list of “Autism-Friendly” certified self-employed workers is regularly updated and accessible online (for member families only) in the Family Services section. (lien vers la section membre, anglais) 


  • Inclusion Support for Recreational Activities in the Community  

An information kit is available on demand for parents who wish to register their autistic child in recreational activities offered by the city of Gatineau or other organizations in the region. Designed through the Autism-Friendly Program, the kit contains multiple tools to help parents pick an appropriate recreational activity for their child, and useful information for registration and follow-up. 


Group Services

  • Respite services  

Weekend day respite service for school-age teens and children. Free programming with a choice of occupational activities for participants, without community outings.  

  • Evening respite—children   

  • Daytime respite—teens 


  • Family Times  

Family Times events are organized by Trait d’Union Outaouais approximately three times a year. During these social, cultural or recreational activities, families are invited to get together and have fun. 

While team members take care of the children, parents can relax, meet other families, watch team members interact with their kids, and learn a few things. It’s also an opportunity for siblings to meet other children with similar experiences. 


  • Themed activities (in French only) 

Themed activities are an opportunity for parents to learn more about autism-related topics through workshops and lectures. Topics are selected according to requests from TUOI family members, and activities are facilitated by outside resources. 

Here are some possible topics:  

  • Communication 

  • Sexuality 

  • Medication 

  • Protective supervision services 

  • Support for siblings 

  • Electronic tools 

During these activities, parents can learn and feel better equipped for everyday challenges.  


  • Support and community care for parents  

Scheduled meet-ups where parents can connect with other people living in similar circumstances. Parents of children of all ages are welcome and can join according to their needs and availability.  


  • Activities for siblings 

Group meet-ups and activities can be organized for siblings according to the needs expressed and available resources.   

Please note that some meet-ups and group activities take place online. 

Online Services


  • Facebook group 

The private Facebook group Parents TSA Outaouais was created specifically for TUOI member parents for sharing and finding information, tips and advice. A coordinator is present in the group to answer questions and supply information as needed.  


  • Monthly newsletter  

Our newsletter is sent out every month to all TUOI member families with information on upcoming activities at TUOI and elsewhere, as well as information on various topics related to autism. 


Join us as a member of Trait d’Union Outaouais to access these services and activities.