Activities for 2025

Ideas for fundraising activities

Looking for ideas to contribute to our annual fundraising campaign?

With the help of some contributors (thanks to Emmanuelle, Natacha, Patrick, Sylvie and others) we've put together this list of ideas to inspire you.

Grande Collecte de la Fondation Benny&co.

From Jan 29 to Mar 03

Location Gatineau
ContactBenny&Co Foundation
Grande Collecte de la Fondation Benny&co.

Benny&Co. restaurant customers will be able to buy a bag of 5 doughnuts for $4.

Proceeds from the sale of "P'tits Beignys" in the 5 Gatineau restaurants and the 2 Ontario restaurants will be donated to TUOI in support of summer camps.

Follow this link to find the nearest restaurant.